spotless eternal sunshine

Monday, November 9, 2009

starting again.

i really considered deleting this blog because i started a tumblr and i was really thinking it wasn't for me. but then i saw the sweetest comment and decided to actually start updating again. thank you.

just because.

for some odd reason i've been obsessed with black and white prints.
and i've also decided that i need to be happy.
and it's a choice to be happy.
so that i will be.
and yes the fresh prince post is random :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

i've been walking in the same, missing all the cracks in the pavement.

so i'm sitting here listening to adele and i'm looking outside and the leaves are changing colors. and it's getting colder.

and i'm happy for that.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

there's no place like home

i'm so happy to be home.

it's one of the best feelings ever.

Sunday, October 18, 2009



so i'm always on looking at outfits
and like 99.9% of the time someone has something originating from this store
and now they will possibly be in raleigh if everything works.
why raleigh? i don't know.
i would prefer charlotte but regardless it's coming and i'm excited, nonetheless.

hittt me

boopieces <3

i'm not a can of soup; don't label me